Configure Functions
Set up functions for your agent and triggers
Last updated
Set up functions for your agent and triggers
Last updated
What are Agent Functions?
Agent functions are functions that you allow your agent to call depending on if it meets the requirements of your "Description" when creating it
What are Trigger Functions?
Trigger functions are functions that you want your agent to call every X minute that can either add to the agents memory or use to get information to provide to Agent Functions
Function Name: This should be in snake case
What is snake case?
"Snake case" is a naming convention in programming where spaces between words are replaced with underscores ("_"), and all letters are written in lowercase
Description: The more descriptive the better for this as this is what your agent will use to decide if it needs to call the function
Usage Hint: More specific and help for your agent on when to call this function
Function Arguments:
Data that your agent should pass in to the function when it decides to call it
Ex. If you are creating something to get weather data from a specific location you would add location as an argument of type string and then pass it in to the request body or url with {{location}}. Without adding an argument the function won't know where to get the weather for
Method: The request type for the URL you are accessing
URL: The url for the api you are accessing
Headers: The headers necessary for the api you are accessing. You can use your arguments here but just make sure to wrap them in {{}} (Ex. {{location}}
Request Body: The request body necessary for the api you are accessing. You can use your arguments here but just make sure to wrap them in {{}} (Ex. {{location}}
Success Message: This is what you should provide your agent when the request is successful (determined by the response status code).
How do I parse a response from a custom API?
To describe a path to a value in JSON, use dot notation to represent the hierarchy of keys. For example, in the JSON object { "user": { "profile": { "name": "Alice" } } }
, the path
points to the value "Alice"
. If the key refers to an array, include the index like items[0].price
for the first item's price in an items
Error Message: This is what you should provide your agent when the request is unsuccessful (determined by the response status code).